Trusted Partners

We partner with clinicians and companies that share our values to give you a consistently exceptional experience.

A group of Westpeak Mobility customers in their wheelchairs and custom seating poses for a photo in Denver, Colorado.

Our Clinical Collaboration

Westpeak Mobility is committed to working with therapists and clinicians who share our values and whose commitments mirror ours. We believe that working together provides the best scenario for our mutual patients who deserve the best possible outcomes. If you are interested in becoming a trusted clinical partner, please reach out to us via the contact form below! We know that having the support of care teams is a critical part of the healthcare process, and we’d love for you to be a part of our collaborative team.

Clinical Collaboration

Westpeak Mobility is committed to working with therapists and clinicians who share our values and whose commitments mirror ours. We believe that working together provides the best scenario for our mutual patients who deserve the best possible outcomes. If you are interested in becoming a trusted clinical partner, please reach out to us via the contact form below! We know that having the support of care teams is a critical part of the healthcare process, and we’d love for you to be a part of our collaborative team.

Trusted Equipment Manufacturers



Since 1983 our JAY design engineers have produced superior clinical positioning seating. They have combined science and innovative material technology to develop a market-leading range of wheelchair cushions and backs to suit your unique needs. As industry pioneers, we continually work with top researchers and clinicians worldwide to develop the most advanced wheelchair seating products. Our products are designed and tested to exceed industry standards.

Ki Mobility

Ki Mobility

Ki Mobility specializes in the designing, manufacturing and international distribution of high-quality ultra-lightweight manual wheelchairs. We offer folding, rigid, and tilt-in-space in both adult and pediatrics.



Permobil will develop, manufacture and market wheelchairs, seating and positioning and communication systems for people with disabilities. Our products lead in quality, performance, safety and function – all to provide our community of users with the best possible compensation for their disabilities.



Pride: World leader in manufacturing power wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and lift recliners. Home of the Jazzy Power Chair. We provide mobility solutions for all ages.



Quantum Rehab® was born out of the desire to delight customers with the most advanced, consumer-inspired complex rehab power wheelchairs and related technologies possible. At Quantum, consumer needs and wishes are the driving force. We’re dedicated to not just meeting medical and clinical needs, but also quality-of-life needs.



Ride is committed to creating wheelchair seating systems that help protect skin, enhance mobility, improve function, and optimize posture. A properly fitted Ride cushion and back work together to help manage skin risk. A Ride seating system also helps boost postural control and stabilize the pelvis and trunk, often resulting in increased confidence, performance, freedom of movement, and ease of use.

Stealth Products

Stealth Products

Stealth Products began in response to a need for versatile, high quality head and neck positioning systems, as well as switch site location hardware. Today we have a team of more than 100 employees. Our product designers and engineers are able to produce any unique product requested. Due to the industry’s growing needs, Stealth’s product line now includes: Head and Body Support/Positioning, Joystick Mounts, Trays, Seating, and Pediatric Mobility products.

Sunrise Medical

Sunrise Medical

Sunrise Medical is a world leader in the development, design, manufacture, and distribution of manual and powered wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and both standard and made-to-order seating and positioning systems.



For over 20 years, the team at TiLite has been making manual wheelchairs made of aluminium or titanium that are engineered to be strong, light, and fully customized to match the shape and needs of each end user.

Become a Patient

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Become a Partner

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